Discover The BioMimics 3D Vascular Stent System

MIMICS-3D 3-year results published
The 3-year results for the MIMICS-3D “real-world” European registry have been published. The manuscript conclusions are that “the MIMICS 3D registry showed satisfying outcomes in patients treated with the helical centreline BioMimics 3D nitinol stent, which are comparable to those of drug-eluting stents. There was no difference in terms of CD-TLR, whether the stent was used alone or in combination with a DCB. This means that suboptimal results after DCB treatment should not be accepted as the combination of DCB plus BioMimics 3D results in good outcomes, and that DCB, in addition to BioMimics 3D stent treatment, may be an alternative to DES therapy when drug treatment is deemed necessary.”